Friday, November 20, 2015

Black Balloon

Raju was a dark complexioned little boy. He stood watching the balloon man at the country fair attracting customers by releasing a red balloon, a blue balloon, a yellow one and a white one. They all went soaring into the sky until they disappeared. The little boy asked, "Sir, if you send the black one up would it go as high as the others?"

The balloon man, understanding the boy's question, snapped the string that held the black balloon and as it soared upwards said, "It is not the colour son. It's what is inside that makes it rise."

What makes you feel inferior or superior to others?

Are you not unique and much more than how you look and what you have?

~Taken from "How full is your cup?: 64 stories that can transform the way you look at life" by J M Sampath~

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