Sunday, July 5, 2009

Turn a Deaf Ear to Negative Folk

Once upon a time there was a frog race. The contestants had to climb to the top of a high tower. Many people turned up to watch and cheer the frogs on.

The race began.

Truth is, the people who had gathered didn't quite believe that it was possible for the frogs to reach the top of the tower. Thus, they started shouting: "What pain! They'll never make it!"

One by one, the frogs began to give up ... until there was just one contestant left. As the people continued to shout, "She'll never make it!", this lone frog kept on climbing. Finally, with one enormous effort, she pulled herself up to the top of the tower.

The other frogs were curious as to how she managed to finish the race. As one of them approached her to ask how she did it, he discovered that the winner was deaf!

Sent to Starmag by Khoo Vee Lynn

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